10 years. Countless letters and postcards.

College roomies Shivani and Harnehmat shared a common love for handwritten letters. Their tuck was always accompanied by letters from home and lead to handwritten replies. When the visits to the local Post Office frequented and stamp collections flourished, one fine day they decided to inspire people to write postcards and actually post them from their alma mater!

October 2013, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, both friends put their passion to good use – and set up a small stall for postcard writing to celebrate World Post Day! The turnout was magical and the rest is history!


Let’s find a moment to pause, smile and write!

Our vision is to make the world keep rediscovering the beauty and power of the written word in this digital age! With writing comes slowing down, building connections, finding patience and clarity of thought!


Make a place for handwritten communication amidst technology.

Be the biggest platform globally, celebrating and promoting the art of letter writing in the 21st century.

Make India the leader in bringing back and reinforcing the importance of handwritten letters.

Encourage a ‘Digital Detox’ culture across the country.

Slow and steady growth to have Daakroom initiatives across the country to celebrate letter writing.


Shivani Mehta

Harnehmat Kaur

Krati Gupta
Communications Executive

Muskan Gupta
Programmes & Outreach Manager

Gurleen Kaur
Social Media Marketing Executive

Gaurav Matta
Event Manager

Harshita Priyadharshini
Research School Programmes Executive

Amit Kumar Vishwakarma
Growth Manager

Rohit Sharma
Support Executive


Shivani Mehta

Harnehmat Kaur

Krati Gupta
Communications Executive

Muskan Gupta
Programmes & Outreach Manager

Gurleen Kaur
Social Media Marketing Executive

Gaurav Matta
Event Manager

Harshita Priyadharshini
Research School Programmes Executive

Amit Kumar Vishwakarma
Growth Manager

Rohit Sharma
Support Executive