Lesson #47: Click before you Post

Click away,

In case astray,

Your postcard goes,

For, well, who knows,

Postmen might love,

The stamp above,

The lucky addressee

(Or not so lucky!)

But proof will say,

That you had your way,

Putting pen to card,

Just like a bard

(Or may be not!)

But you did have a thought,

Of a dear, dear one,

Who you love a ton,

So, forget not,

To click a shot,

While I leave you with this

Random thought..

Paddy wrote a letter
To his Irish Molly-O,
Saying, “Should you not receive it,Write and let me know!”“If I make mistakes in spelling,Molly, dear,” said he,“Remember, it’s the pen that’s bad,Don’t lay the blame on me!”
(From Albert Farrington’s It’s a long way to Tipperary)