The Pleasure Is Ours

There has been a lot of bad-mouthing about the Indian Postal Department recently, and we have heard more than once about postcards with fancy stamps going mysteriously off the radar. To tackle the situation and also to share the blame, if not the profits, with Indian Post, we put up a nice big disclaimer on the post box, warning people of the success rates and delays involved in ‘snail mail’.

Alas! Our voices have been heard, and it shows in the number of postcards that reached their destination within a fortnight.­­

It’s always great to get feedback from the senders. And much better when it’s not in the tune of “hey my grandma hasn’t got her birthday postcard yet and her birthday was three weeks ago!” The thing is, it’s the unpredictability about this medium that remains its charm and also its most frustrating aspect. It’s never nice to lose that hefty paragraph of carefully crafted calligraphy. So we encouraged people to take snaps of their cards before they put them in the red box.

But the great thing about when the cards reach well in time is that we get to piggy back on Indian Post’s services and get applauds for it.

What would be great now is to figure out some way of capturing the reaction of the receiver, and take the correspondence forward, and backward, from there. Hmm… any ideas?