The 30-minutes-30-rupees Connection

So we get all sorts of people walking into our little stall and even more walking past it that we absolutely love to stop and try and talk into writing. We start with our standard opening line, and this is how the conversation usually goes:

Battees: Would you like to write a postcard to someone?
Peep: Ummm….no thanks! *looks at us incredulously with a WhoDoesThatAnyMore look*
Battees: Well its really simple. All you have to do is pick a postcard, write a message, choose a stamp and we’ll post it for you.
Peep: Hmmmmmm / No kidding / Seriously? / Oh wow! / SayThatAgain?/ Really now 
Battees: All for Rs. 30!
Peep: Let’s do it!
Battees: Yaaaay! *shimmies*

Of all these conquests (if we may call them so) the most wonderful and satisfying ones become those which spend a half hour meticulously combing through the postcards to select one, picking the perfect coloured pen, writing with utmost concentration, choosing the most relatable stamp and then posting the little thing with a serious I-hope-this-reaches look and warning.

We laugh and joke about the capabilities of the Indian Postal System (which are greatly improving please!) while pray in our hearts that their loved one most certainly receives this little piece of love! After all, they spent 30 unadulterated minutes of thinking about nothing but the person, which is a lot to say in today’s world of wonderful distractions.

So, while after those 30 minutes, Battees becomes 30 rupees richer, its those memories we make people unearth that keep our smiles on and give us courage to stop the next stranger passing by 🙂

And if you, dear reader, are a lucky recipient of one of our postcards, or any post from any of your dear ones, do remember that there was a lot of thought and love put in for you from picking the pen to sealing the envelope. Proof lies in the licked stamps!

So cherish it.

And don’t forget to pass on the love!